I'm starting the year a week late. After the holidays, travelling, and an annoyingly persistent cold, I spent the first week of 2016 in a sort of jet-lagged limbo, slowly easing back into my daily routines and trying to reclaim some semblance of a normal sleep schedule. It was quite nice in some ways, this easing in - no plans, no resolutions, just recovery. And now I'm ready.
Looking back on 2015, I'm pretty happy with how things evolved over the year. I made a lot, shared a lot, got a pattern published in a magazine for the very first time, and opened a little pattern shop on Ravelry. I set out to grow my skills and confidence without putting too much pressure on myself, and even though that meant letting a few things slide (like my Etsy shop and keeping a regular blog schedule, among other things), I feel OK about it all.
This year I'd like to do a better job of bringing everything together in a way that makes sense and of being more consistent, and more consistently present, in my work. While I've not made any resolutions, I'll confess to making big lists (gotta love a list!) and I even ordered a fancy planner that I'm loathe to write in, it's so fresh and clean and pretty! At the same time, I hope I'll continue to cut myself (and others) some slack when things don't go exactly according to plan and just enjoy the ride.
I hope you all enjoy your ride too in 2016. Cheers!